Friday, September 30, 2011

No.. no.. no...

I was pretty disappointed when the agent said there is no more stocks for iPad 2 with 64Gb memory. But, I am desperate enough to be satisfied with a 32Mb version.

But, today the supplier call to confirm the colour that I wanted. I quickly ask of the 64Gb version and to my surprise, they said it is available.

I got lucky!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My dream....

I am a Microsoft type of guy. I like things to be simple. I always avoid complicated things.

When it comes to computer, I keep myself right at home by using "all" Microsoft.

When iPad was introduced, I was passive. I even feel sorry for those whom are willing to ques for hours, just to own on of this "not so much use" gadget.

Until I get to try one of them....................

Since then, I started to dream owning one. But it was just too expensive for a monthly income earner like me. So, I waited... and waited.

I owned and Android and a Blackberry device. But that even give me more desire for the iPad. It is rather late because iPad 3 will be coming soon, but since there is a window of opportunity, I will have to just grab one. iPad 2 is okay to me!

And today, I am waiting for the delivery. I am not sure when will I get it, but anytime now....or may be tomorrow the latest!
